Monday, December 5, 2011

Your second day out of the belly, we KNEW you were a fighter!

The next day after you were born, you had some trouble breathing and you were not eating too much. Mama was worried so she asked the nurse to take a look at you. It felt like the nurse was gone FOREVER, she finally came back about 3 hours later and she had 2 doctors with her. I knew from the sign of this that there was a problem. The doctors told me that they found a sign of a strong infection in your body an they don't know where it is or how it happened, but you were definitely sick. They took you to a part of the hospital called the NICU, there they had to give you medicine and keep you for a whole till you got better. Mama and Daddy were very sad and worried for you, but we asked everybody we knew to pray for you to get better. We asked God to send a strong spirit down to help you fight the infection off. We did not get to go see you for a couple of hours after they told us where you were, we had to scrub out hands very good and wear these yellow body covers to keep any germs away because there were other babies who were sick that needed to get better too. The first couple of days was the hardest for Mama and Daddy because we just wanted to see you an love on you! You had to stay in there for about 14 days. It was a long time but we knew you had to stay so they could help you feel better. The doctors had to do many things to help you, there was a little issue with you getting food so the doctors had to help you eat by feeding you through a tube. They also had to give you medicine everyday till your infection was all gone. From the day you were born, we knew that we would do anything we can to give you the best life possible and this just reassured us that WE WOULD DO ANYTHING for you! After lots of prayers and people thinking of you, you finally were getting better and were able to come home!

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