Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Uhh Ohh!!

So we brought you home and we were so excited. You did not do too much but sleep, eat and poop. We woke up every three hours to feed and change you, at 5 o'clock in the morning I had noticed that you had a little but of blood in your diaper. I took a picture of it and kept a eye on you. All throughout the morning it was getting worse and worse. Mama got nervous and told your Papi we needed to take you to the emergency room. We took you at 2:00 pm and stayed in there for many hours before a doctor could tell us why this was happening. Finally they told us that you were having stomach issues that were going on that needed to be monitored because they could not explain why it was happening. They had to check you in to a room on the pediatric floor, so Mama took you to your room. They pricked and prodded you for a while before they took you away to have some more tests done. They had to give you a spinal tap to test for meningitis, they tried once but did not get enough fluid. They waited a while and tried again. You were so upset with them poking you that you cried and stopped breathing for 30 seconds! They told me that you needed a oxygen bag to help you start breathing again. Because you stopped breathing and had stomach problems, they thought it would be best to check you into the PICU (pediatric intensive care unit). When they finally came to tell me all of this, Mama came straight up to see you. You were so tiny in a big bed like crib. You had so many tubes on you that it made me sad. They had poked you so much at your previous stay that they had to shave a piece of hair on your forehead and put your IV there. You had a oxygen tube in your nose helping you breathe and a tube going down your nose to your stomach to get any liquid out that didn't belong. It was so hard just watching you and not knowing where exactly you were hurting. Whenever Mama came you never cried, you just slept the whole time and did not look like you were in much pain at all. Your Papi had to leave to work while you were being checked in and I had to call him and tell him everything over the phone. When he got off work at night he came to see you and pray with you. He was sad but hopeful all at the same time because he knew you were a strong boy who could fight this. You had to stay there for a few days and once they saw you were better they sent you back down to the pediatric floor. Your Madea and Papa, your great grandma came and you got LOTS of phone call's and prayers during this stay again. Uncle Mike and Kael came too. You are so loved and had so many people thinking about you. Mama never left the hospital this time and just slept in a room there waiting for you to get better. After God had heard out prayers and you got plenty of medicine, we finally were able to bring you home a couple of days later. We thought second time is the charm. Again Papi pulled the car around and picked you up, locked you in and drove us home. Here are some pictures of your second stay.....

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