Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Three Months Old

You are now 3 months old! Mama started to go back to school so Papi would watch you all day and then go to work at night. He is a very hard working, supportive man! We love the fact that we did not have to find a day care for you and that we are able to watch you at home. You still did not go out much but we did take you to a few places. Just the same ol' Walmart, Madea's and to some of Mama's school events. You are such a happy boy and I think that since we started to take so many pictures of you since you were young that you got used to the camera and every time Mama would hold up her phone you would smile. You still slept a lot but you liked to just watch us and watch what goes on around you. You are very observant for such a baby. Mama took a lot of pictures of you but most of them are when you were sleeping :) Don't worry I do the same thing to your Papi! :) One cool thing that you got to do was have your very first sleep over with your best friend/god sister Zoe. You see her a lot and you like to play with her. This was the first of many times hanging out with her.

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