Monday, December 5, 2011

The Day You Were Born

It all started at 5:30 am on June 28th, 2011, your daddy and I were talking in the bed and we were having an interesting discussion...then all of the sudden I grabbed your daddy's arm an had a sharp pain. We continued to talk and again the pain came, I grabbed your daddy's arm again, then we realized this was not a ordinary pain. We both were wide awake now and I felt the pain again and heard a pop in my ears then told him to get a towel, MY WATER BROKE! We woke up your Nana Livia and told her what was going on. We were all excited. We called the doctor and went for a check up at 11 am. Miss Cindy said that I was not dilated at all and I should go home and rest. We went home and I tried to get some sleep but couldn't so I got in the tub a few times to help me relax. Next thing I know the contractions are getting stronger and I told your daddy I couldn't have a natural birth because it was hurting so much, he held my hand and said WE can do this! We were going to wait till 5 pm to go to the hospital, but, the pain was so strong that I wanted to go to the hospital. It was 3 pm and I couldn't talk or anything I had to keep my eyes closed and just breathe. After many hours of this you finally wanted to start your way out around 10 pm. Your cousin Kael was there, your Uncle Nick, Your Nana Livia, and Your Madea. They all were there to help hold my hand and help me think of how all this hard work would be worth it. After lots of pushing and burning you joined us at 10:58 pm. You were 6 pounds and 12 ounces and 21 and a 1/2 inches long. You were so handsome and had a full head of hair. We love you so much and mama and daddy were so excited to hold you!

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