Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Well it is your BIG 1/2 birthday! the big six months! you are so grown and silly it makes Mama sick. lol This month is Christmas and you were so cute. Mama and Papi got you this Santa outfit and you made our hearts melt! You got lots of great gifts and you also gave some good gifts too! The big gift was your walker from your Madea! You can stand up in it and move backwards but the big goal will be for you to actually walk! You are such a blessing to have and we are so happy and filled with love everytime you smile!! You are getting to be so big that we even put you in the "big boy" part of the cart this month! you liked it there were so many things to touch and look at. Even though Mama had to hold you because you were so excited, it was a huge milestone to Mama. ;) this is also a big month because you are starting to CRAWL!!! You get up on all fours and rock back and forth, you also do this Pilates pose which is really funny! We hope to see you crawl forward soon, you got the backwards, sideways, and turn in circles down! It was also Christmas during this time. You wore a really cute Santa outfit. You gave everybody an ornament out of clay with your handprint in it. Very crafty.

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